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Mark Patterson

Updated: Aug 10, 2024

I really hate to be the one writing this.

Early this summer my church announced that the Pastor would be preaching through Colossians. I thought, "Oh great, we will be hearing some "expository preaching" or "explaining" of the Biblical text. The first couple of Sundays went ok, but on the third sermon, it was announced that we would be skipping Colossians 2.

That, of course made me wonder - what were we missing? I noticed Colossians 2: 8 in particular: " See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of the world rather than on Christ."

I had been through this before! Our first church turned into prosperity gospel. I couldn't wait to become rich and famous like God "promised" if I just "believed" and "spoke it into existence." I wanted this so badly. It consumed me. I really, really believed it. We constantly heard about our promised success. Mixed in with some verses on being rich and "asking what you will and it will be given to you." The biggest house with the best car in the driveway. Twisted, of course. Never was coveting mentioned.

Our second church had solid preaching, then the "pastor" was fired for an affair, leaving the church floundering for years. I still wasn't rich or famous and I was desperate. Career idea after career idea at the expense of all other thinking. Never happy and really feeling sorry for myself. God must really hate me for not rapidly "blessing" me with money and popularity.

Now, in our third church, am I really hearing Jesus + therapy?! Yep, some spiritual exercises, which are nothing more than tiny habit triggers and CBD (cognitive behavioral therapy) techniques with verses to match. Do these and your worries will be gone!

We like it! We like prosperity. Who wouldn't? God will make us rich and famous! We prefer some psychology techniques to simmer down our nerves. After all, 2 Timothy 4: 3 warns us "For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine but having itching ears, shall heap to themselves teachers in accordance with their own lusts." We like mindfulness and square breathing way better than taking a slow walk while reciting a Psalm. We like our own thoughts. We enjoy our "ability" to tone down our own feelings.

How as sheep do we know if we are hearing progressive or wrong preaching? We are not theologians! WHENEVER, you start to hear something "blended" coming from the pulpit, BEWARE. I Peter 5:8 says, "Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour."

My early life was spiritually ruined because I did not know what the Bible said. I listened and liked wrong teaching. It has taken painful repentance and grace from the LORD for victory.

There is also MUCH wrong with therapy these days. The therapist has become the high priest of our current culture. Be very careful. I will share some "therapy" theories with actual TRUTH in the coming days. During my drive for success and attention, I became a therapist. I have to reckon with this and use this opportunity carefully- only for God's glory.

PS. My lip liner looks terrible. LOL.

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