Industry vs. Inferiority is stage 4, when a child is 7-10 years old, also known as late childhood. The virtue of COMPETENCE is the goal. Neighbors & school are the most significant relationships. The "existential question" is 'Can I make it in the world of people and things?' The events during this stage are school and sports.
Parents remain the most important fulcrum in the child's life - their Northstar, their home base.
Life becomes more than play. Now kids want to be productive and complete things! Technology fundamentals develop. Erickson lays it on heavy stating --failure to master trust, autonomy and now industry may cause a child to doubt their future-- leading to shame, guilt, inferiority and defeat.
Children begin to see themselves as individuals, understanding right from wrong and deciding between the two. They begin to understand cause, effect and consequences. They understand the calendar. They desire learning more complex skills like reading, writing, telling time, math. They can dress themselves and comb their hair. They learn MORAL VALUES. They are also disobedient at times, and may talk back.
Chore ideas for this age: Clean their room, make the bed, pick up the yard, set and clear the table, pick up their toys and other belongings, feed pets, empty indoor trash.
Erickson thought the elementary years were crucial to developing SELF-CONFIDENCE. Providing encouragement and recognition for efforts like drawing pictures, solving addition problems, writing sentences, promotes diligence and completing tasks. Business before pleasure! Erickson said if the child was ridiculed or punished for efforts, or unable to meet expectations of parents or teachers, this will cause inferiority about their capabilities.
Making friends is especially important at this age. They migrate into social groups. Erickson thinks these groups give them more, or less, self-confidence about themselves and their abilities.
Children also develop special talents and discover new interests. They might start more activities like sports or music. According to Erickson, if they are not allowed to discover new things they will develop low motivation, poor self-esteem, laziness and indifference.
This is the stage where things can become overly busy and expensive, if not managed and well thought out by parents! Allow your child to try many low commitment things before finding yourself in a rat race!
Also, no cell phones, medication or video games!
Cell phones are an introduction to the world of pornography! DO NOT start this yet.
Medication - make sure your child is active, stuctured and gets plenty of sleep. Medication is doled out to readily before discipline, teaching proper behavior and manners is well-taught. An early bedtime, no later than 8pm, is important at this age.
And, video games will zap your child's time and creativity. There are PLENTY of other things to learn and discover. No screens!