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Eat right/Get Moving

Mark Patterson

I Corinthians 6:19

"Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies."

Shop the perimeter

Be on your feet!

Well, I know one thing. Groceries have gotten expensive. I have a method called "Using Cupboard Food." This requires more frequent shopping, but saves money overall.

  • Look for a couple of items in your cupboard, say spaghetti and a 14.5 oz can diced tomatoes.

  • Find a recipe with these 2 ingredients

  • Shop for another can of diced tomatoes and a pound of hamburger.

  • Create meatballs with your hamburger: bread crumbs, milk, egg, Italian seasoning, salt, pepper.

  • Shape into 1 -1/2 " balls.

  • Bake at 450 x 20 minutes.

  • While that's in the oven, fry up an onion and garlic. Add the tomatoes, basil, oregano, salt and red pepper flakes. Simmer 45 minutes.

  • Put the cooked meatballs in the sauce.

  • Serve over a pile of yummy cooked spaghetti.

  • Makes 4 meals for 2 people. (Eat all week for almost nothing).

I love the cupboard food concept. It keeps things that you already bought rotated through, so that you aren't wasting money on uneaten items that are sitting in the cupboard and waiting to be used.

Then, walk 10,000 steps.

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